Monday, 15 May 2023

Are We Nearly There Yet?!

There was great excitement as we gathered in the hall this morning, ready for our big adventure.  Onto the coach for a traffic (and sick) free journey down to Portsmouth.  The children were excellent throughout and were very patient whilst they waited for the ferry to arrive.  Up on board and straight out onto the deck for their long awaited packed lunch.  We had a little bit of a swell and it was quite breezy but the children had a great time. 

Before we knew it we were back on the coach for the short journey to the Kingswood Centre.  The sun was out in full force when we arrived and we were greeted by an equally sunny group leader who gave the children a tour of the site.  

Room keys were given out and the children seemed to be delighted with the people they were going to be sharing with.  They weren't so enthusiastic about making their beds but (I think) they are all done now.  

Off to our first activities - two groups trying to make fires (see separate slide show) and the other two to 'Team Tech'.

Finally, we all met together for a much awaited dinner - pasta with bolognese or tomato sauce, garlic bread, sweetcorn, salad and ice cream!
Before the children could catch their breath they headed off for a hike to Culver Point.

More news later...


  1. Great photos & lots of smiling faces :)

  2. Thank you! We’re so glad to see their happy faces.

  3. So lovely to see all your happy faces x

  4. Lots of lovely smiles. Hope you have all enjoyed your first day! Hope the sun keeps shining.

  5. Thank you for the great photos and updates on their first day. This made our evening!

  6. Thank you for the photos and reassurance you have arrived safely x

  7. Penelope’s Mum15 May 2023 at 20:22

    Lovely to see them all look so happy - all the wobbles blown away ☺️

  8. Delighted to see all the smiling faces - all the wobbles blown away 🥰

  9. Lovely photos 😊

  10. Lovely to see so many smiling faces, so pleased you had a good journey x

  11. Great photos! Can't wait to see more!

  12. How lovely, thanks everyone I hope you all get a good nights sleep

  13. Poppy W’s mum15 May 2023 at 20:48

    So lovely to see such smiley faces Thank you so much !! Sounds like you should all sleep well tonight 🤞🏼 I look forward to the next update x
